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Jr/Sr High School


Guidance Office


Mrs. Heather Grentz - Guidance Counselor
(906) 524-6000 ext 355 [Phone]
(906) 524-0345 [FAX]

The L’Anse High School Guidance Program is a comprehensive model consisting of four components. Although the emphasis is on the individual student planning portion, all four components are important to the success of the program.

Individual Student Planning
During individual student planning; students will evaluate their educational, occupational, and personal goals. Assistance will be provided in the following three areas:

Individual appraisal: Analyzing and evaluating student abilities, interests, skills, and achievements. Development and review of Education Development Plans (EDPs)

Individual advisement: Advise student use of personal/social, educational, career and labor market information in planning personal, educational, and career goals. Involvement of students, parents, guardians, and school personnel is critical.

Transitions: Assist students in making the transition from school-to-school, school-to-work, or school to higher education or career/technical training.

Responsive Services
Activities to meet immediate needs and concerns of students whether these needs or concerns require counseling, consultation, referral, or information.

Guidance Curriculum
The Guidance Curriculum component allows for academic, career, and personal/social development. This will be achieved through classroom lessons, interdisciplinary curriculum development, and group activities.

Systems Support
Management activities that establish, maintain, and enhance the guidance program. Professional development, consultation/collaboration with staff and community, and program management are a few ways to develop this component.

Learn to Learn, Learn to Work, Learn to Live;
Now and in the Future




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The L’Anse Area School is a drug/alcohol/tobacco-free campus
for everyone including students, faculty, parents, and community members.

Susan Tollefson

L’Anse Area Schools Central Office
201 North 4th Street  •  L’Anse, Michigan 49946  •  906.524.6000


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