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Jr/Sr High School


Principal Letter


Welcome to the L'Anse Jr/Sr High School where our mission is to provide a high quality education to all students. Our school consists of grades 6-12 and has an enrollment of approximately 295 students. We employ 25 teachers in our building.

The curriculum offered at L'Anse Jr/Sr High School is comparative to any school in the
Upper Peninsula. In addition to our core academic offerings we also have available: Art, Physical Education, Band, Spanish, Industrial Arts (Woods and Metals), Career Prep, Business Applications, Personal Finance, Native American History and Government, Publications, STEM, Work-Based Learning, AP Psychology, Anatomy and Environmental Science and other Career and Technical Education classes available through the Copper Country Intermediate School District. Our school also offers Michigan Virtual classes and dual enrollment through local colleges.

Extra-curricular activities at L'Anse High School include: football, basketball, hockey, track, volleyball, golf, softball, baseball, cheerleading, cross country, bowling, SADD, Quiz Bowl, eSports, Youth in Government, International Travel Club, HOSA, and Drama.

The L'Anse Jr/Sr High School is known for its positive school climate. The staff and students display a sense of respect and make others feel welcome.

If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to meet me, feel free to stop
by or call me at (906) 524-6000.


Lisa Cichosz
L'Anse Jr/Sr High School




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The L’Anse Area School is a drug/alcohol/tobacco-free campus
for everyone including students, faculty, parents, and community members.

Christopher M. Davidson,

L’Anse Area Schools Central Office
201 North 4th Street  •  L’Anse, Michigan 49946  •  906.524.6000


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